Chat with my friend: Undressing and pleasure

3 min readMay 15, 2024

I sat cross-legged on my bed, the lights dimmed and the curtains drawn, with only the soft glow from my phone illuminating the room. It had been a long day, and I was about to turn in when my phone buzzed with a new notification.

Anna: “Hey, you up?”

Me: “Just about to sleep. How was your day?”

Anna: “Busy, but could have been better. Missing our talks. What are you wearing right now?”

I smiled at her forwardness. Anna and I had this special bond, a flirtatious one. We’d never crossed any boundaries physically but had often shared our fantasies, turning each other on through words.

Me: “A loose white tee and some old, faded blue shorts. What about you?”

Anna: “Just got out of the shower, wearing a satin robe. It feels so soft against my skin.”

A tantalizing image of Anna, fresh from the shower with droplets of water on her skin, draped in a robe, began forming in my mind.

Me: “Bet you look alluring in that. If I were there, I’d probably stand close, smelling the fresh scent of your shampoo.”

Anna: “Mmm, imagining you so close already gives me shivers. How does your tee feel?”

Me: “Soft, a bit loose, letting the evening breeze brush against my skin. If you were here, you’d probably trace your fingers over my collarbone, maybe tug at the hem of my shirt.”




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