My Flatmate BF fucked me

4 min readMay 23, 2024

I was lying in bed, trying to drift off to sleep, when I heard the unmistakable sounds of my flatmate and her boyfriend, J, having sex in the next room. The walls were thin, and I could hear every moan, every creak of the bed, and every whispered word of lust. My body responded almost immediately, heat pooling between my legs. I closed my eyes and let my imagination run wild, visualizing their passionate encounter.

I imagined J, his strong, muscular body pressing against hers, his thick cock driving into her with relentless intensity. The sounds of their pleasure filled my head, and I found myself getting wetter by the second. Unable to resist, I slipped my hand under the waistband of my panties and started to rub my clit, matching the rhythm of their lovemaking.

Just as I was on the edge of climaxing, the sounds stopped. I quickly pulled my hand away and tried to calm my racing heart, wondering what had happened. Moments later, my door creaked open, and J stepped into my room. My breath caught in my throat as I saw his silhouette in the dim light.

Without a word, he moved towards my bed, his eyes locked on mine. The forbidden nature of what was happening sent a thrill through me. He pulled the blanket down and rolled me onto my stomach, just as he had done before. His hands tugged down my panties, spreading my thighs apart. He knelt on the bed next to me and slipped two fingers into me, whispering that he had been thinking about this all day.




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