My Sex in Train

3 min readMar 7, 2024

Every day I caught the same train into central London, every day the same old shit happened. I’d see hot guys, they’d see me, we’d heavily flirt for the entire journey and then it would amount to nothing.

This time was different, he was wearing a beautifully tailored suit which could be best described as the sexiest suit I’ve ever seen. He gave me glances and before I could walk over, he was next to me. Introducing himself, being a gentleman, smelling amazing — oh and the bulge was immense. On the journey I kept implying we should get to know each other better, he declined saying it was too risky. I was giving him the biggest come on, yet he wasn’t taking the bait. I decided to take it one step further, I literally grabbed his hand and put it up my skirt. I pushed his hand onto my pussy, he didn’t remove it.

I gave him a look, stood up and walked to the disabled toilet. The carriage was deserted, no one would know. Opening the door, I stepped inside and before I knew it — there he was. He pushed me against the wall and kissed me passionately. Quickly moving his hands past my skirt, moving my thong out of the way, immediately taking control. I closed my eyes, enjoying it — quickly he suddenly moved down. He was licking me out, on the train — holy fuck. Full tongue insertion, I really tried not to moan but I couldn’t help it. By this point, his bulge was huge — so I reached for it. I didn’t…




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