Part 7: Group Study : Teasing my Pussy

2 min readFeb 14, 2024

After the shower, with our bodies still wet and dripping, we found ourselves unable to keep our hands off each other. He gently pushed me against the cold bathroom tiles, sending a shiver down my spine, contrasting the warmth of the shower we had just left. His mouth sought my breasts, which were now even more responsive due to the temperature difference. The soft, cool air made my nipples stand out prominently, yearning for his touch.

He began by kissing the swell of my breast, his tongue leaving a wet trail as he made his way to the sensitive peak. Once there, he took my nipple between his lips, suckling softly at first and then increasing the pressure. A gasp escaped my lips as he gently bit down, sending a rush of pleasure coursing through me.

All the while, I could feel his hardness pressed against me. Each time he bit down, he would thrust forward, causing his erection to slide against the slick, sensitive folds of my pussy. The sensation was tantalizing; his tool teasing my entrance, but never fully entering, keeping me on the edge of ecstasy.

Reveling in the pleasure he was giving me, I reached behind and grasped his firmness, guiding him more firmly against me. The friction of him rubbing against my wetness was driving me wild. The teasing became more intense, and several times he pressed just the tip inside me, causing my legs to tremble with anticipation.

Without warning, he spun me around so my back was now pressed against his chest. His hands roamed…




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