SexText with a long lost friend

3 min readMay 7, 2024

Lying in bed, I was about to drift into sleep when a soft chime from my phone caught my attention. It was a message notification from a name I hadn’t seen in a long while — Alex, an old friend from high school.

“Hey, long time no chat. Hope you’re doing well. Just wanted to wish you a good night,” he had written.

Smiling to myself, thinking about all the memories we had shared, I quickly typed back. “Alex! It’s been ages. Good to hear from you. Good night!”

There was a brief pause before he responded. “I came across some old photos of us. Remember that trip to the lake during senior year?”

I did remember. It was a weekend filled with fun, laughter, and a hint of unspoken tension between us. “Oh, that trip was something! We looked so young and carefree.”

“We did,” he replied, adding a wink emoji. “There was one photo, though, of you in that white sundress. God, you looked stunning. I remember barely being able to take my eyes off you.”

Blushing slightly, surprised by his frank admission, I replied, “I never realized you felt that way. That dress was one of my favorites.”

“Every time the breeze caught it, showing off your legs… damn. I had to resist the urge to pull you close and tell you how I felt.”

Feeling a bit bold, and more awake now, I typed back, “And what if I had wanted you to?”




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